@Gladstone Park Primary School

Student Leadership

Gladstone Park Primary School promotes leadership amongst the students by offering a range of roles and responsibilities.

One of the privileges of being a Grade 6 student is that they are able to apply for School Captain, School Vice Captain and House Captains. Within these roles, students host events, run assemblies, participate in school tours and promote leadership within the other year levels. These roles require the students to use their higher order thinking, listening, empathy skills and motivation to actively contribute to the school community.

Students that are in grades 4-6 have the opportunity to be a Junior School Council Representative. Each grade has two students that join the committee, delving into the organisation of fundraisers and sharing ideas to benefit the school.

All leadership roles within the school are seen as extremely important in allowing the students to have a ‘voice’ in the school’s operations.

MikeHalogen-Logo-Full-ColourSince 2014, the Gladstone Park Primary School Captains and House Captains have participated in the National Young Leader’s Day at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre. It is here that they learn about the importance of being leader. Guest speakers presented information to motivate and guide Gladstone Park’s young leaders to dream big and succeed in the tasks that they put their mind to (click on the icon to the left to find out more about the day).

House Captains 2023

School Captains  2023

Lily                          Yevin

School Vice- Captains  2023

Dinisha                        Dylan

Junior School Council (JSC) Representatives 2023

To be announced soon!